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Venezuela crisis : What is happening?

Protests against the legitimacy of the Nicolás Maduro's presidency began at the time of his second inauguration following a controversial presidential election in 2018. Rallies of support were also held for President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, with some Venezuelans and foreign government's recognizing him as the interim President of Venezuela.

Amid rumors that Venezuela is selling gold to UAE, Guaido is said he would defy a government ban on humanitarian aid by sending large convoys of medicine into Venezuela with the assistance of neighboring nations. Overtures would had been made to Russia and China arguing that the two countries’ interests would be best served by switching the side they back in Venezuela. A general from Venezuelan air Force, General Francisco Esteban Yanez Rodriguez defected from the government and announced his support to Guaidó presidency. Plans by Venezuelan officials to ship 20 tons of gold have reportedly been halted due to international pressure. The blocking of the shipment comes a week after the Bank of England denied Maduro’s request to withdraw USD1.2 billion of gold stored there.

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